Category Site Types Page - Auction / Marketplace Websites

What to Look for in Auction / Marketplace Websites


The items listed below are the key things you should look for before joining Auction / Marketplace Websites. Pay close attention to these areas as they determine which sites are the best.

Feature Name
Feature Description
Low Seller Fees Sellers are usually charged a % of the transaction when using an auction / exchange platform. This % can range depending on the service so look for services that offer LOW seller fees so you can save money.
Multiple Pricing Structures This give buyers the ability to bid on an item (against other users) or simply purchase it now if they really want the item without the wait. The purchase now provides a way for impulse buyers to get the item when they want it without the need to wait for sometimes long, drawn out auctions.
Notification / Monitoring Tools When buying or bidding on items, within a marketplace, it's critical that you know where your offer / bid stands relative to other offers / bids. Notification tools give you the power to quickly find out this information and let you know when its time to increase your price or walk-away.
Network Size (large number of buyers and sellers) This is the most important thing to look for with any auction / exchange site. The larger the number of buyers and sellers there are, there more liquidity (ability to sell) there is. You can't sell something if there are no buyers and you can't buy something if there are no sellers.
