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Different Types of Auction / Marketplace Websites


Below is a list of the various types of Auction / Marketplace Websites from which to choose from. These site type categories are based on the focus of the service and usually align with the type of user the site appeals to.

Types of Auction / Marketplace Websites
This Type of Site is Good For...
General Auctions Businesses and users looking to buy and / or sell goods and services to consumers via an auction format (highest bid)
Brand Integration / Product Placement Companies wanting to promote their brands via product placements and companies looking to integrate brands with their products.
Classifieds Users looking to purchase goods and services through classified listings.
Microlending / Loans Users looking to raise capital via micro loans (small loans) and users looking to invest / make micro loans to those that need them.
Predictions Users looking to make predictions about various things and those looking for predictions on various things.
Freelance Jobs / Freelance Work Anyone looking to get freelance jobs / work and anyone looking to hire a freelancer worker.
