Websites Like Scouta / Similar to:

Websites Like Scouta / Websites similar to Scouta / Scouta Competitors

Below is a list of websites like Scouta / services like / similar to Scouta : Scouta provides you with personal recommendations for video and podcasts that suit your interests and tastes. It does this based on your favorite online videos or podcasts that you bookmark in your My Scouta account. Scouta also works with iTunes, taking into account all the podcasts and vodcasts that you watch or listen to in iTunes, on your iPod, Apple TV, or iPhone, by using the Scouta Agent. Bookmark videos and podcasts in your My Scouta account. Rate videos and podcasts to teach Scouta what you love. Use our new iTunes Scouta Agent. Receive relevant recommendations based on your tastes. .