Websites Like ViDirectory / Similar to:

Websites Like ViDirectory / Websites similar to ViDirectory / ViDirectory Competitors

Below is a list of websites like ViDirectory / services like / similar to ViDirectory : Our Video Directory, gives your Business a 21st century competitive edge. The Video Directory is designed to help business owners and consumers discover and develop a connection through the use of video. The Video Directory is operated by Freevi Corporation, which is a broadcast media and on-line publishing company. Freevi Corporation has constructed the foundation and infrastructure to successfully navigate the convergence of traditional TV broadcasting with Internet TV. The popularity of Internet video is reflected in the expansive growth of online video viewership and online advertising revenues. Freeviā€™s complementary Internet TV channels, embedded video consoles, and video directories offer advertisers unparalleled exposure while providing viewers with specialty programs and searchable resources in an online community for business and social networking..