Websites Like BrightRoll / Similar to:

Websites Like BrightRoll / Websites similar to BrightRoll / BrightRoll Competitors

Below is a list of websites like BrightRoll / services like / similar to BrightRoll : BrightRoll offers direct access to the ad insertion process for consumer video producers. The company’s technology serves up ads in multiple formats, monitors click throughs to determine which format is most effective and switches ad formats dynamically for the best results. Video publishers can choose to insert the most lucrative format, preroll ads, or allow BrightRoll to switch between video, banner or text post roll ads. The primary implementation of BrightRoll is to help publishers monetize content that they were unable to sell ads against. The company says that there is far more video content online than there is ad coverage available. I went through the company’s ad insertion process and can confirm that it is very easy to do. .