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Trading Community Websites Features / Functionality


The items listed below are the features that are offered by Trading Community Websites. These items should be evaluated thoroughly before selecting a site to join.

Feature Name
Feature Description
Trade CDs Allows users to trade CDs with other users
Trade DVDs Allows users to trade DVDs with other users
Trade Video Games Allows users to trade video games with other users
Trade Books Allows users to trade books with other users
User Profile Page Profile pages were made popular by Social Networking sites and is at the heart of today's user generated content services. A profile page is created by a user and has all of their personal information on it including biographical information, items they want, items they have to trade, their blogs, pictures/photos, personal videos, personal likes/dislikes, and anything that is related to that user.
Purchase Points to Trade Points are used as a currency to trade items and allow users to purchase them and/or acquire them by completing certain activities
User Forums Forums (commonly referred to as message boards) allow a company, or individual, to post an entry on a topic and have other users comment on those entries. Forums are very similar to blogs in structure and functionality.
Friends Lists This is a list of users that you have allowed to join your friends network and gain access to all of your content (videos, photos, blog content, etc.).
Recommendations Provide recommendations on items you may be interested in trading and/or buying based on your interest, surfing activity, or friends
Items Listed Shows the items the users have available for trading and/or buying
User Groups User groups are users that share a similar interest or discuss specific topics that only group members are allowed to participate in. Groups can be created as public groups allowing user to join or created as private whereby only a select set of users are invited to be members.
Set Hard Price Allows the user that wants to trade/sell an item to set a hard price for the item as opposed to trading it or taking competing bids for the item.
User Reviews Provides user reviews for items and provides reviews of traders and whether they were good to trade with.
User Ratings Provides user ratings for items and provides ratings of traders and whether they were good to trade with.
User Wish lists Allows users to create wish lists of items. Wish lists are items that the user wants to trade and/or buy but does not currently have.
eMail/Online Form Support Allows users to email a website and get help on anything related to that website.
Help Tickets/Email Form Support Allow users to submit their questions/issues and get a support ticket which will later be answered by an customer service representative
Searchable Knowledgebase Support Knowledge base help is a searchable database of frequently asked questions and problems that provide users with help beyond the static FAQ pages. Knowledge base typically has
User Forums User forums relative to customer support allow users to ask questions and issues about a site and let other users or company representative respond just as they would in a normal forum environment.
Customer Support Blog A blog (web log) that is created by the customer support staff that allows users to post entries and comments pertaining to site issues, problems, and questions about the service.
Pay w/ Credit/Debit Card Accepts user payments via credit card
Pay w/ PayPal Accepts user payments via PayPal
Pay w/ eCheck or Check Accepts user payments via check
Pay w/ Check/Money Order Accepts user payments via money order
# of Items Listed Total # of items listed on the site for users to trade for and/or buy
